Candlewick Press
Books from this publisher
Annie and Simon
Candlewick Sparks
Stink: The Absolutely Astronomical Collection
Books 4-6
A Birthday for Bear
Candlewick Sparks
Houndsley and Catina and the Quiet Time
Candlewick Sparks
The Smallest Gift of Christmas
Stink It Up!
A Guide to the Gross, the Bad, and the Smelly
The Dot: Make Your Mark Kit
Annie and Simon: The Sneeze and Other Stories
The Sneeze and Other Stories
Houndsley and Catina and the Birthday Surprise
Candlewick Sparks
Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers
Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker
Stink: Solar System Superhero
Houndsley and Catina Plink and Plunk
Candlewick Sparks
Houndsley and Catina
Candlewick Sparks
Sneaky Art
Crafty Surprises to Hide in Plain Sight
I Dare You Not to Yawn
Stink: The Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling Smackdown
Peter Reynolds Creatrilogy Box Set (Dot, Ish, Sky Color)
This Is Not My Hat
Sky Color
Judy Moody and the Bad Luck Charm
A Visitor for Bear
Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer
House Held Up by Trees
African Acrostics
A Word in Edgeways
The Agency 3: The Traitor in the Tunnel
I Want My Hat Back
Judy Moody: Twice as Moody
Blink & Caution
The Queen of France
How the Weather Works
A Hands-on Guide to Our Changing Climate