New Art Books
Kenojuak Ashevak and Tim Pitsiulak
Beau Dick
Revolutionary Spirit
Maud's Country
Landscapes that Inspired the Art of Maud Lewis
Passion over Reason / la passion avant la raison
Tom Thomson & Joyce Wieland
Uncommitted Crimes
The Defiance of the Artistic Imagi/nation
E. J. Hughes Paints Vancouver Island
Apples, etc.
An Artist's Memoir
Sonny Assu
A Selective History
Annie Pootoogook
Cutting Ice
At Home
Talks with Canadian Artists about Place and Practice
Laurent Amiot
Canadian Master Silversmith
Ted Drover
Ships Artist
Our Maud
The Life, Art and Legacy of Maud Lewis
The Art and Passion of Guido Nincheri
See What I'm Saying?
Peter von Tiesenhausen
Leonard Cohen
A Crack in Everything