2019 BC Book Prizes Shortlist Nominees
The West Coast Book Prize Society is thrilled to announce the finalists for the 2019 BC Book Prizes. Congratulations to the authors, illustrators, and publishers! Winners will be announced at the BC Book Prizes Gala on Saturday the 11th of May, 2019, at the Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront in Vancouver.

Dear Evelyn

Sodom Road Exit

That Tiny Life

Trickster Drift

We All Need To Eat

A Matter of Confidence
The Inside Story of the Political Battle for BC

Just Let Me Look at You
On Fatherhood

Lands of Lost Borders
Out of Bounds on the Silk Road

The Woo-Woo
How I Survived Ice Hockey, Drug Raids, Demons, and My Crazy Chinese Family

a poem as long as the river

Our Familiar Hunger

Port of Being


The Small Way

Athlii Gwaii: Upholding Haida Law on Lyell Island

Beau Dick
Revolutionary Spirit

Big Lonely Doug
The Story of One of Canada’s Last Great Trees

Breaching the Peace
The Site C Dam and a Valley’s Stand against Big Hydro

Learning to Breathe

Nice Try, Jane Sinner

No Fixed Address

Very Rich

The Nameless City: The Divided Earth