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Book Lists

BC Books From the Mainland/Southwest

Books written by authors living in BC's Lower Mainland.

by Association of Book Publishers of BC · Tagged Lower Mainland, BC

The World, I Guess

by (author) George Bowering

Twenty Seven Stings

by (author) Julie Emerson
illustrated by Roxanna Bikadoroff

Active Vancouver

A Year-round Guide to Outdoor Recreation in the City's Natural Environments

by (author) Roy Jantzen

Active Vancouver

A Year-round Guide to Outdoor Recreation in the City's Natural Environments

by (author) Roy Jantzen

Saving Farmland

The Fight for Real Food

by (author) Nathalie Chambers
with Robin Alys Roberts & Sophie Wooding

Saving Farmland

The Fight for Real Food

by (author) Nathalie Chambers
with Robin Alys Roberts & Sophie Wooding

The Real Thing

The Natural History of Ian McTaggart Cowan

as told by Briony Penn

The Real Thing

The Natural History of Ian McTaggart Cowan

as told by Briony Penn

Through an Unknown Country

The Jarvis–Hanington Winter Expedition through the Northern Rockies, 1874–1875

by (author) Mike Murtha & Charles Helm

Through an Unknown Country

The Jarvis-Hanington Winter Expedition through the Northern Rockies, 1874–1875

by (author) Mike Murtha & Charles Helm

Footsteps of the Past

by (author) Philip Resnick

Footsteps of the Past

by (author) Philip Resnick

Uncharted Waters

The Explorations of Jose NarvAez (1768-1840)

by (author) Jim McDowell

Uncharted Waters

The Explorations of Jose Narvaez

by (author) Jim McDowell

Live Souls

Citizens and Volunteers of Civil War Spain

by (author) Serge Alternês & Alec Wainman

Live Souls

Citizens and Volunteers of Civil War Spain

by (author) Serge Alternês & Alec Wainman

Aliens Among Us

Invasive Animals and Plants in British Columbia

by (author) Alex Van Tol
illustrated by Mike Deas

New Perspectives on the Gold Rush

edited by Kathryn Bridge

Trees and Shrubs of British Columbia

by (author) T. Christopher Brayshaw


by (author) Rahat Kurd


The Collected Earlier Poems, 1962–1991

by (author) Fred Wah
introduction by Jeff Derksen

Rom Com

by (author) Dina Del Bucchia & Daniel Zomparelli

Studies in Description

Reading Gertrude Stein’s Tender Buttons

by (author) Carl Peters

Thicker than Blood

Adoptive Parenting in the Modern World

by (author) Marion Crook

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