2014 BC Book Prize Finalists
The West Coast Book Prize Society is thrilled to announce the finalists for the 2014 BC Book Prizes. Congratulations to the authors, illustrators, and publishers! The winners of the 2014 Lieutenant Governor's Award for Literary Excellence will be announced at the BC Book Prizes Soirée in April.

Anatomy of a Girl Gang

Clear Skies, No Wind, 100% Visibility

Red Girl Rat Boy

Three Souls

Arthur Erickson
An Architect's Life

Everything Rustles

The Oil Man and the Sea
Navigating the Northern Gateway

The Once and Future World
Nature As It Was, As It Is, As It Could Be

They Called Me Number One

Birds, Metals, Stones and Rain

children of air india
un/authorized exhibits and interjections

The Lost Letters

The Place of Scraps


Charles Edenshaw

Inventing Stanley Park
An Environmental History

Svend Robinson: A Life in Politics
A Life in Politics

Voyage Through the Past Century

If Only


The Great Bear Sea
Exploring the Marine Life of a Pacific Paradise

How To

When I Was Eight