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Aritha van Herk

Aritha van Herk teaches Creative Writing, Canadian Literature and Contemporary Narrative. Her novels include Judith, The Tent Peg, No Fixed Address (nominated for the Governor General's Award for fiction), Places Far From Ellesmere (a geografictione) and Restlessness. Her critical works, A Frozen Tongue (ficto-criticism) and In Visible Ink (crypto-frictions) stretch the boundaries of the essay and interrogate questions of reading and writing as aspects of narrative subversion. With Mavericks: an Incorrigible History of Alberta (winner of the Grant MacEwan Author's Award) van Herk ventured into new territory, transforming history into a narratological spectacle. That book frames the new permanent exhibition that opened at the Glenbow Museum in 2007. van Herk is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and is active in Canada's literary and cultural life, writing articles and reviews as well as creative work. She has served on many juries, including the Governor General's Award and the Commonwealth Writers' Prize. She is well known in the broader community of the city, the province, and the country as a writer and a public intellectual.

Books by Aritha van Herk

Recognition and Revelation

Short Nonfiction Writings

by (author) Margaret Laurence
edited by Nora Foster Stovel
foreword by David Laurence
afterword by Aritha van Herk

Robert Kroetsch

Essayist, Novelist, Poet

edited by David Staines
contributions by David Eso, Tanja Cvetkovic, Robert David Stacey, Martin Kuester, Albert Braz, Jennifer Baker, Cameron Anstee, Jason Wiens, Dennis Cooley, Nicole Markotic, Laurie Ricou, Wolfgang Klooss, Aritha van Herk, Rudy Wiebe & Phill Hall

The Frontier of Patriotism

Alberta and the First World War

edited by Adriana A. Davies & Jeff Keshen
contributions by David Borys, Juliette Champagne, Brett Clifton, Catherine C. Cole, Rory Cory, Duff Crerar, Michael Dawe, L. James Dempsey, Antonella Fanella, Alvin Finkel, Ryan Flavelle, David Gallant, Stephen Greenhalgh, Jarett Henderson, Mark Osborne Humphries, Chris Hyland, Kathryn Ivany, Allan Kerr, Norman Knowles, J. Whitney Lackenbauer, Robert Lampard, Michale Lang, Kassandra Luciuk, Rod McLeod, John Matthews, Peter McKenzie-Brown, Sean Moir, Patricia Myers, Allan Rowe, Robert Rutherdale, Amy Shaw, Donald J. Smith, Paul Stortz, Doug Styles, Ken Tingley, Aritha van Herk, Donald G. Wetherell & Anthony Worman

Stampede and the Westness of West

by (author) Aritha van Herk

Prairie Gothic

Photographs by George Webber

photographs by George Webber
text by Aritha van Herk

The Canadian Postmodern

A Study of Contemporary Canadian Fiction, Reissue

by (author) Linda Hutcheon
introduction by Aritha van Herk

In This Place

Calgary 2004-2011

by (author) George Webber & Aritha van Herk


by (author) Marian Engel
afterword by Aritha van Herk

One West, Two Myths II

Essays on Comparison

edited by C.L. Higham & Robert Thacker
contributions by R. Douglas Francis, Brain W. Dippie, William H. Katerberg, Sarah Carter, Roger L. Nichols, David L. Williams, Lee Clark Mitchell, Aritha van Herk, Frederick Jackson Turner & J.M.S. Careless

The Tent Peg

by (author) Aritha van Herk

Unsettled Pasts

Reconceiving the West through Women's History

contributions by Sarah Carter, Kristin Burnett, Christine Georgina Bye, Mary Leah De Zwart, Lesley A. Erickson, Cheryl Foggo, Nadine I. Kozak, Siri Louie, Graham A. MacDonald, Florence Melchior, Patricia A. Roome, Eliane Leslau Silverman, Olive Stickney, Aritha van Herk, Muriel Stanley Venne & Cora J. Voyageur
edited by Lesley Erickson, Patricia Roome & Char Smith


by (author) Aritha van Herk

Writing the Terrain

Travelling Through Alberta with the Poets

contributions by Ian Adam, Robert Stamp, Tammy Armstrong, Margaret Avison, Douglas Barbour, John O. Barton, Doug Beardsley, Bonnie Bishop, E.D. Blodgett, Robert Boates, George Bowering, Tim Bowling, Jan Boydol, Gordon Burles, Murdoch Burnett, Anne Campbell, Weyman Chan, Leonard Cohen, Dennis Cooley, Joan Crate, Michael Cullen, Cyril Dabydeen, Lorne Daniel, Alexa DeWiel, Jason Dewinetz, ryan fitzpatrick, Cecelia Frey, Gary Geddes, Gail Ghai, Deborah Godin, Jim Green, Leslie Greentree, Vivian Hansen, Tom Henihan, Michael Henry, Walter Hildebrandt, Gerald Hill, Robert Hilles, Nancy Holmes, Richard Hornsey, Tom Howe, Aislinn Hunter, Bruce Hunter, Laurence Hutchman, Sally Ito, Pauline Johnson, Aleksei Kazuk, Robert Kroetsch, Fiona Lam, William Latta, Tim Lilburn, Alice Major, Kim Maltman, Miriam Mandel, Sid Marty, David McFadden, Barry McKinnon, Erin Michie, Deborah Miller, Anna Mioduchowska, James M. Moir, Colin Morton, Erin Moure, Charles Noble, P.K. Page, Rajinderpal Pal, Ruth Roach Pierson, Joseph Pivato, Roberta Rees, D.C. Reid, Monty Reid, R. rickey, Ken Rivard, Stephen Scobie, Allan Serafino, Joan Shillington, Greg Simison, Carol Ann Sokoloff, Karen Solie, Stephan Stephansson, Peter Stevens, Ivan Sundal, Anne Swannell, Vanna Tessier, Colleen Thibadeau, John O. Thompson, James M. Thurgood, Eva Tihanyi, Yvonne Trainer, Aritha van Herk, Rosalee van Stelten, Miriam Waddington, James Wreford Watson, Wilfred Watson, Tom Wayman, Phyllis Webb, Jon Whyte, Christine Wiesenthal, Sheri-D Wilson, Christopher Wiseman, Stacie Wolfer, Rita Wong, Richard Woollatt & Jan Zwicky

Places Far From Ellesmere

by (author) Aritha van Herk


An Incorrigible History Of Alberta

by (author) Aritha van Herk

No Fixed Address

An Amorous Journey

by (author) Aritha van Herk