Wayne Lynch
Books by Wayne Lynch

Bears, Bears, Bears for Kids

Wildlife of the Arctic for Kids

Wildlife of the North
Animals of the High Latitudes of North America and Europe

Bears Bears Bears for Kids
For Kids

Treasured Symbols of the North

Wildlife of the Rockies for Kids

Baby Alligator

Baby Loon
Bears of the North
A Year Inside Their Worlds

A Celebration of Prairie Birds

The Illustrated Guide to Their Biology, Behavior, and Conservation

The Scoop on Poop
The Fascinating Science of How Animals Use Poop

A Traveler's Introduction

Florida Manatees
Biology, Behavior, and Conservation

The World's Coolest Birds

The Animal Answer Guide

Planet Arctic
Life at the Top of the World

Polar Bears
A Complete Guide to Their Biology and Behavior

Wayne Lynch's Canadian Rockies Wildlife for Kids

Whose Teeth Are These?

Whose Feet Are These?

Whose House Is This?

Whose Nose Is This?

Whose Baby Is This?

Whose Bottom Is This?

Whose Eyes are These?

Whose Tail is This?

Whose Tongue is This?

Wildlife of the Canadian Rockies

Arctic A to Z

Baby Polar Bear

Baby Polar Bear

Baby Black Bear

Baby Mountain Sheep

Owls of the United States and Canada
A Complete Guide to Their Biology and Behavior

Owls of the United States and Canada
A Complete Guide to Their Biology and Behavior

Penguins of the World

Baby Sea Turtle

Life in the Boreal Forest

Baby Grizzly

Baby Porcupine

Wild Alberta
A Visual Celebration

Baby Sloth

Baby Koala

Baby Ground Squirrel

A Passionate View of the Prairie Grasslands

Baby Elephant

Baby Lion

Baby Seal

Baby Fox

Baby Penguin

The Adventures of Baby Bear

The Amphibians and Reptiles of Alberta
A Field Guide and Primer of Boreal Herpetology

Arctic Alphabet
Exploring the North From A to Z
A is for Arctic
Natural Wonders of a Polar World