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Family & Relationships Motherhood

With Child

Substance Use During Pregnancy, A Woman-Centred Approach

edited by Susan C. Boyd & Lenora Marcellus

Fernwood Publishing
Initial publish date
Dec 2006
Motherhood, Drug Dependence, Pregnancy & Childbirth
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Dec 2006
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Drug use is among the behaviours that are associated with or a consequence of poverty. The contributors to this volume propose that those who provide services for pregnant drugusing women must recognize that care of women with social problems that affect pregnancy outcome should be approached in the same way as care for women with medical problems that have obstetric consequences. This book provides practitioners and researchers with valuable information about maternal drug use, best practices and policy.

About the authors


Susan C. Boyd is a scholar/activist and distinguished professor at the University of Victoria. She has authored several articles and books on drug issues, including Busted: An Illustrated History of Drug Prohibition in Canada. She was a member of the federal Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation. She is a long-time activist who collaborates with groups that advocate for the end of drug prohibition and for the establishment of diverse services.


Susan C. Boyd's profile page


Lenora Marcellus, RN, MN, has practised nursing for more than twenty years in acute care and community maternal-infant settings. She serves as Leader of Perinatal Program Development for the Vancouver Island Health Authority and instructs in the Safe Babies Program, which educates and supports foster families who care for infants with prenatal substance exposure. She is currently a doctoral candidate in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Alberta and at the time of writing is a research fellow with the Gender and Addiction Research Training Program at the British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health.


Lenora Marcellus' profile page

Excerpt: With Child: Substance Use During Pregnancy, A Woman-Centred Approach (edited by Susan C. Boyd & Lenora Marcellus)

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