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reCreating Integrated Knowledge

by (author) Margaret A. Somerville & David J. Rapport

McGill-Queen's University Press
Initial publish date
Dec 2002
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Dec 2002
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Transdisciplinarity provides an essential context for understanding some of the most important, complex, and difficult issues we face, whether in environmental protection, maintaining our health care systems, drafting new laws, formulating public policy, accommodating religious and cultural pluralism, or dealing humanely and respectfully with an ageing population. It responds to the need to cross boundaries in order to embrace the ideas of all disciplines that may be relevant to these questions. Successful transdisciplinary endeavours depend on developing methodologies that can be used to re-integrate knowledge. Contributors include Upendra Baxi (University of Warwick), Solomon Benatar (University of Cape Town), Ellis Cowling (North Carolina State University, William S. Fyfe (University of Western Ontario), Norbert Gilmore (McGill University), Julie Thompso Klein (Wayne State University), Sheldon Krimsky (Tufts University), Brian Lapping (documentary filmmaker), John Last (emeritus, University of Ottawa), Roderick MacDonald (McGill University), Desmond Manderson (Macquarie University), Eleonora Barbieri Masini (Gregorian University), Gavan J. McDonell (University of New South Wales), Anthony J. McMichael (University of London), Robert Y. McMurtry (Medical Research Council of Canada), Nicole Morgan (author, France), William H. Newell (Miami University), David J, Rapport, Andrew Sage (emeritus, George Mason University), Margaret A. Somerville, and Katherine Young (McGill University).

About the authors

Margaret Somerville is Gale Professor of Law, professor in the Faculty of Medicine, and founding director of the McGill Centre for Medicine, Ethics, and Law at McGill University. She is the author of Death Talk: The Case against Euthanasia and Physician-A

Margaret A. Somerville's profile page

School of Environmental Design and rural Development, University of Guelph

David J. Rapport's profile page

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