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Children's Fiction Bedtime & Dreams

The Moon is a Silver Pond

by (author) Sara Cassidy

illustrated by Josee Bisaillon

Orca Book Publishers
Initial publish date
Sep 2019
Bedtime & Dreams, Country Life, Size & Shape
  • Board book

    Publish Date
    Sep 2019
    List Price
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Sep 2019
    List Price

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Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels

  • Age: 0 to 2
  • Grade: p to 12
  • Reading age: 0 to 2


A young child skates, bakes and milks the cow while the moon wondrously transforms above.

The moon is a silver pond when seen through the trees. When they tend the cow, the moon is the milk at the bottom of the pail.

With stunning illustrations by Josée Bisaillon, this simple board book shows children that the way they see the world—by heart, mind and imagination—is just right. Reveling in metaphor, The Moon Is a Silver Pond encourages that magical leap of imagination and asks the reader to look at everyday objects from a different perspective.

Available in French as La lune est un étang d’argent.

About the authors

Les livres de Sara Cassidy ont &eacutet&eacute finalistes pour de nombreux prix : le Chocolate Lily Award pour Black Gold et Blackberry Juice ; le Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Children’s Book Award pour A Boy Named Queen ; le Bolen Books Children’s Book Prize pour Skylark ainsi que le Kirkus Prize for Young Readers’ Literature. Deux de ses titres, A Boy Named Queen et Double Play, ont &eacutet&eacute s&eacutelectionn&eacutes par la Junior Library Guild. Sara Cassidy a publi&eacute de nombreux recueils de po&eacutesie, œuvres de fiction et ouvrages documentaires pour adultes. Elle vit &agrave Victoria en Colombie-Britannique.

Sara Cassidy's profile page

Jos&eacutee Bisaillon a illustr&eacute plus de trente-cinq livres pour enfants et cr&eacute&eacute de nombreuses illustrations pour des magazines et des journaux. Elle a &eacutet&eacute finaliste au Prix litt&eacuteraire du Gouverneur g&eacuten&eacuteral &agrave deux reprises et a remport&eacute le prestigieux Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award pour The Snow Knows. Il s’agit du quatri&egraveme ouvrage de Jos&eacutee avec Orca, apr&egraves My Head in the Clouds et Bedtime 123 &eacutecrit par Eric Walters, un succ&egraves de librairie. Elle vit en banlieue de Montr&eacuteal avec sa famille.

Josee Bisaillon's profile page


  • Commended, Smithsonian Air & Space Magazine - Best Children's Books

Editorial Reviews

“Exquisitely illustrated...Both calming and stunning...Board books don’t often get this level of artistic care. Highly recommended for board book collections.”

School Library Journal

“Beautiful...The poetic language and cool colours are calming…A classic bedtime read.”

Resource Links

★ “A volume sure to jump-start readers’ imaginations and create moon-y, luminous dreams.”

Publishers Weekly, starred review

“Bisaillon's illustrations are truly stunning...A largely successful effort to convey metaphors to young readers.”

Kirkus Reviews

“Simple and elegant...Highly recommended for all board book collections.”

CM: Canadian Review of Materials

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