Hailed as one of the most important books on social sciences of the last fifty years by the Social Sciences Federation of Canada. Akenson argues that, despite the popular conception of the Irish as a city people, those who settled in Ontario were primarily rural and small-town dwellers. Though it is often claimed that the experience of the Irish in their homeland precluded their successful settlement on the frontier in North America, Akenson's research proves that the Irish migrants to Ontario not only chose to live chiefly in the hinterlands, but that they did so with marked success. Akenson also suggests that by using Ontario as an "historical laboratory" it is possible to make valid assessments of the real differences between Irish Protestants and Irish Catholics, characteristics which he contends are much more precisely measurable in the neutral environment of central Canada than in the turbulent Irish homeland. While Akenson is careful not to over-generalize his findings, he contends that the case of Ontario seriously calls into question conventional beliefs about the cultural limitations of the Irish Catholics not only in Canada but throughout North America.
About the author
Donald Harman Akenson, Professor of History at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, is one of the -world's leading authorities on Irish history. He received his bachelor's degree from Yale and his Ph.D from Harvard. The author of twenty books, including five novels, he is a Fellow of the Royal Society (Canada) and of the Royal Historical Society (U.K.). He has held both a Guggenheim Fellowship and a writing fellowship at Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio, Como. In 1993 he received the prestigious Grawmeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order, for his book God's People: Covenant and Land in South Africa, Israel and Ulster (1992). In 1996 he was named Molson Prize Laureate; this is Canada's highest cultural award.
Other titles by
The Americanization of the Apocalypse
Creating America's Own Bible

Exporting the Rapture
John Nelson Darby and the Victorian Conquest of North American Evangelicalism

Between Dispersion and Belonging
Global Approaches to Diaspora in Practice

Discovering the End of Time
Irish Evangelicals in the Age of Daniel O'Connell

Ireland, Sweden, and the Great European Migration, 1815-1914

Some Family
The Mormons and How Humanity Keeps Track of Itself

Saint Saul
A Skeleton Key to the Historical Jesus

Irish in Ontario, Second Edition
A Study in Rural History

The Irish in Ontario
A Study in Rural History, Second Edition

Surpassing Wonder
The Invention of the Bible and the Talmuds