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The Great Shift

Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond

by (author) Lee Carroll (Kryon), Thomas Kenyon & Patricia Cori

edited by Martine Vallée

Red Wheel Weiser
Initial publish date
Feb 2009
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Feb 2009
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This extraordinary book brings together many sources of important information on the changes occurring within our world, ourselves, and the evolution of consciousness leading up to the year 2012. The text is addressed in part to Lightworkers, for whom the energy shift now gearing up has been ongoing for at least the last twenty years. The time is getting closer. The Great Shift is a progress report from the field and the messages are positive. "You don't have to logically do anything but 'show up' with spiritual intent, and the DNA quantum field is activated in your body," Kryon says. He tells us to expect changes and peace we may have never thought to see in our lifetimes, even in the Middle East. He says, "God is not a controlling force. Look for the love." Tom Kenyon channeling the Hathors, a group consciousness entity, reminds us, "It is your attention to an event that makes it conscious." Kenyon also explains what channeled material is, which is important in understanding how we cocreate our own world: "From the standpoint of neuropsychology, channeled information is just another expression of our brain/mind potential . . . a movement into the unknown territory of one's own psyche to see what emerges in terms of contact (with other intelligences) and information." The Hathors message for what is now and what is to come: "It is so simple, it is forgotten. . . . Find a way to live your life in joy and happiness." Mary Magdalen, through Tom Kenyon, makes it clear that restoring the balance between male and female energies will mean good things for men as well as women and will reignite our creative potency. Patricia Cori channeling the High Council of Sirius reminds us that the future is never predetermined and the past is an illusion--different for each of us.

About the authors

Lee Carroll has been channeling Kryon for more than twenty years and is the author of over eleven Kryon books, most recently Lifting the Veil. Carroll is also the co-author of The Indigo Children.

Lee Carroll (Kryon)'s profile page

Thomas Kenyon's profile page

Renowned author, teacher, lecturer and spiritual guide to the sacred sites of the Earth. A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, Patricia Cori has been immersed in the New Age Movement since its inception there in the early 1970's. She has utilized her clairvoyant abilities in healing and support work throughout her life, which has been dedicated in great part to the study of mysticism, philosophy, ancient civilizations, metaphysical healing, spirituality and unexplained mysteries. In 1995, she founded the LightWorks Association of Rome (a nonprofit organization), one of the first Spirit Centers to appear in the Eternal City, whose studios served as a healing center, school and the city's only New Age Library. She is a prominent figure in the Spirit Movement, well-known on the international lecture circuit--actively offering courses, seminars and workshops around the world on a vast range of topics, which reflect her broad knowledge of alternative methodology in healing and her remarkable gift of helping others rekindle and ignite the power within. She has been recognized and celebrated as a gifted shaman by indigenous spirit teachers of the Tibetan, Mayan and Peruvian traditions. In 1996, she established the LightWorks travel club, SoulQuest™ Journeys, and that year led a group of spirit travelers, to whom she introduced the sacred temples and breathtaking spirit of the Tibetan landscape, to Nepal and Tibet. She has since guided people through sacred sites in Asia, Mexico, Egypt, Europe and Peru, awakening them to Earth energies and the Secret Wisdom. Patricia's books The Sirian Revelations and CD of channeled meditations have enjoyed worldwide acclaim as wake-up call material for the expanding consciousness of humankind. They have been re-released to a vast international audience this year by North Atlantic Books;Random House Distribution and are also available in several foreign language editions.She hosts the cutting edge web radio talk show, BEYOND THE MATRIX, on a program dedicated to exploring new avenues of human thought and experience and merging science and spirit. Her new book, The Starseed Dialogues, is due for release in February 2009. In her current project, Where Pharaohs Dwell, Patricia delves into the secrets of immortality and our stellar origins through her beloved Egyptian landscape, exploring the magic of the ancients. The book is scheduled for release in Fall of 2009.

Patricia Cori's profile page

Martine Vallée, who collected and edited this volume, is also the editor of The Great Shift: Cocreating a New World for 2012 and Beyond. She is also the French publisher at Ariane Editions of such luminary teachers as Eckhart Tolle, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Gregg Braden, and Drunvalo Melchizedek. She lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Martine Vallée's profile page

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