About Lee Carroll (Kryon) Lee Carroll has been channeling Kryon for more than twenty years and is the author of over eleven Kryon books, most recently Lifting the Veil. Carroll is also the co-author of The Indigo Children. Books by Lee Carroll (Kryon) Tuning In A Journalist, 6 Trance Channelers and Messages from the Other Side by (author) David Thomas & Matthiew Klinck contributions by Lee Carroll (Kryon), Bashar, Tobias, the Pleiadian Collective, Chief Joseph & Torah Transition Now Redefining Duality, 2012 and Beyond by (author) Lee Carroll (Kryon), Patricia Cori & Pepper Lewis edited by Martine Vallée The Great Shift Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond by (author) Lee Carroll (Kryon), Thomas Kenyon & Patricia Cori edited by Martine Vallée