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History Renaissance

The Cognitive Revolution in Western Culture

by (author) Don LePan

Broadview Press
Initial publish date
Feb 1996
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Feb 1996
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Why are the plots of Shakespeare and his contemporaries so different from those of his predecessors? This book argues that the answer is in part that certain forms of expectation were largely undeveloped in the medieval period. More broadly, it suggests that many of the causal and temporal thought processes that are second nature to us operated very differently or had not been developed in the minds of most medieval people. And conversely, it suggests that other mental faculties (such as the ability to respond to some of the elemental appeal of poetry) may have become dulled by the post-renaissance rationalist emphasis in our culture.

In addition to drawing on a broad range of etymological and literary evidence (from the 10th century Gnomic verses to 16th-century drama) the book delves into medieval history, and draws many anthropological parallels. This is a significant study in the nature of narrative and an important investigation into the mental and cultural worlds of Shakespeare and his predecessors.

About the author

Don LePan, founder and CEO of academic publishing house Broadview Press, is the author of several non-fiction books and of two other works of fiction; his novel Animals (2010) has been described by Nobel Prize winner J.M. Coetzee as “a powerful piece of writing and a disturbing call to conscience.”


Don LePan's profile page

Editorial Reviews

“Maintains that the Renaissance did not just introduce new ideas into Western culture but radically changed cognitive processes, the way people thought…raises enormous issues…rich and interesting.” — Studies in English Literature

“Fascinating ideas…succeeds in demonstrating the emergence of a new cognitive faculty in Western culture.” — The Toronto Star

“Intriguing, interesting and original!” — American Historical Review

“Startles and compels attention…impressively detailed.” — The Kingston Whig-Standard

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