Still the Night is a celebration of survivalthe story of two young women who were separated from their parents during the Second World War, and wander through Poland, pretending not to be Jewish. Theresa Tova has fashioned from true stories a moving, heart–rending and uplifting drama of survival against all odds and punctuated it with songs from the Holocaust era.
About the author
Theresa Tova is a writer and performer who has created a sensation with her first play, Still the Night, which was nominated for three Betty awards and won four Dora awards, including Best New Play. Born in Paris, France, Theresa immigrated as an infant with her parents to Calgary, where she attended private Yiddish school and started her acting career. A Gemini and Dora nominated actress, she has since gone on to star in television, film, and stage. She toured the US in Ragtime, performing the role of Emma Goldman, all the while continuing to pack theatres with her concert show "From Belzto to Broadway."