Dvora Levin’s Sharav evokes the deep memory and universal yearning for the Holy Land hidden in the soul of both West and East. Sharav is the Hebrew word for the scorching desert wind, also known as hamsim, whose tiny particles of sand and unstable barometric pressure inflame the senses almost to madness. In her first full book, Levin ponders the paradox of Jerusalem: the place of peace and ancient wisdom, seldom free of war and folly. From the rooftops of Zion to the depths of the praying heart at the Western Wall, the wind and sand of Sharav entices the spirit and engages the mind.
About the author
A recovering management consultant rewiring her life, Dvora Levin has published two books of poetry, To Bite the Blue Apple and Sharav (Ekstasis Editions). She is an active member of Victoria’s poetry community through public readings and “poeming” unsuspecting citizens in the street, hotel lobbies and Laundromats. It is her passion to invite sex workers, addicts and the homeless to rise from their cold hard beds and speak their truth.