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Children's Fiction Native Canadian

Precieux mnoomin

by (author) Brittany Luby

illustrated by Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley

Scholastic Canada Ltd
Initial publish date
Oct 2024
Native Canadian, NON-CLASSIFIABLE, Environment
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Oct 2024
    List Price

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Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels

  • Age: 4 to 8
  • Grade: p to 3


See below for English description.

Un enfant anishinaabe explore l’histoire d’une precieuse graine de mnoomin et le cercle de vie que le mnoomin entretient.


Redigee en anishinaabemowin et en francais, l’histoire se deroule au moment de la recolte. L’enfant tient une graine de mnoomin et imagine toute la vie qui a rendu possible une seule graine : l’ephemere, le brochet, le rat musque, l’aigle et l’orignal ont tous eu un role a jouer dans sa creation. Que se passera-t-il si la graine germe? Les feuilles immergees abriteront les jeunes poissons, les pousses protegeront les canetons, les tiges nourriront les larves, qui a leur tour fourniront de la nourriture aux chauves-souris... jusqu’a ce que le mnoomin soit a nouveau pret a etre recolte.


Cette histoire magnifiquement ecrite et illustree revele l’importance culturelle et ecologique du mnoomin.


In this bilingual book, an Anishinaabe child explores the story of a precious mnoomin seed and the circle of life mnoomin sustains.


Written in Anishinaabemowin and French, the story opens at harvest time. A child holds a mnoomin seed and imagines all the life that made a single seed possible — Mayfly, Pike, Muskrat, Eagle, and Moose all had a part to play in bringing the seed into being. What will happen if the seed sprouts? Underwater leaves will shelter young fish, shoots will protect ducklings, stalks will feed larvae, in turn providing food for bats...until finally mnoomin will be ready to harvest again.


We follow the child and family through a harvest day as they make offerings of tobacco, then gently knock ripe seeds into their canoe. On shore, they prepare the seeds, cook up a feast, and gratefully plant some seeds they'd set aside.


This beautifully written and illustrated story reveals the cultural and ecological importance of mnoomin. As the author's note explains, many Anishinaabeg agree that "wild rice" is an inaccurate term for this plant relation, since part of the harvest is sown every year to help sustain human and non-human beings.


Original title: The Gift of Mnoomin

About the authors


BRITTANY LUBY (Anishinaabe-kwe, atik totem) est l’une des nombreuses arrière-petites-filles du chef Kawitaskung, un chef Anishinaabe qui a signé le Traité de l’angle nord-ouest en 1873. D’un coup de crayon, Kawitaskung a accepté de partager des parties de ce qui représente aujourd’hui le Nord-Ouest de l’Ontario avec des colons et leurs descendants. Grâce à ses grands-pères exceptionnels, Brittany croit au pouvoir de l’encre et des mots, c’est pourquoi elle écrit en faveur de la justice sociale. Elle est aussi professeure d’histoire à l’Université de Guelph, spécialisée dans l’histoire de l’Amérique du Nord.


BRITTANY LUBY (Anishinaabe-kwe, atik totem) is the many-greats granddaughter of Chief Kawitaskung, an Anishinaabe leader who signed the North-West Angle Treaty of 1873. With a pen stroke, Kawitaskung agreed to share parts of what is now Northwestern Ontario with settlers and their descendants. Because of her many-greats grandfather, Brittany believes that ink is a powerful tool. The words we write lay the foundation for our future. Brittany writes for social justice. She is also a history professor at the University of Guelph, specializing in Indigenous history in North America.


Brittany Luby's profile page

JOSHUA MANGESHIG PAWIS-STECKLEY est un artiste ojibwé des bois et un membre de la Première Nation de Wasauksing. Son art vise à récupérer et à promouvoir les histoires et les enseignements traditionnels ojibwés dans un style forestier contemporain. Il a organisé plusieurs expositions individuelles sur l’Île de la Tortue. Joshua a entre autres illustré l’album primé Mii maanda ezhi-gkendmaanh / La Terre me parle : Un livre sur les saisons de Brittany Luby. Il vit à la fois à Vancouver et dans la Première Nation de Wasauksing.


JOSHUA MANGESHIG PAWIS-STECKLEY is an Ojibwe woodland artist and a member of Wasauksing First Nation. His art aims to reclaim and promote traditional Ojibwe stories and teachings in a contemporary woodland style. He has held several solo art exhibitions across Turtle Island. Joshua has illustrated the award-winning picture book Mii maanda ezhi-gkendmaanh / La Terre me parle : Un livre sur les saisons by Brittany Luby, among others. He spends his time living both in Vancouver and Wasauksing First Nation.

Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley's profile page

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