Asiatic Poppies, which include the fabled Himalayan (or Tibetan) Blue Poppy, are among the most desirable, yet most elusive, of garden plants. Growing in the remote alpine meadows of the world's greatest mountain ranges, some 60 different species can be found.
As this stunning calendar demonstrates, the poppies bloom in a full range of showy, primary colours; they are so arresting and so brilliant that in the wild, the flowers can often be seen for miles across the wind-scoured landscape. Up close, they will stop you in your tracks. With 16 gorgeous photos, and the story behind each poppy, this calendar is a delight for any room in the house—even the gardening shed.
About the author
Bill Terry is a retired CBC executive. He is the author of Blue Heaven: Encounters with the Blue Poppy and Beyond Beauty: Hunting the Wild Blue Poppy. His calendar, Poppies from the Roof of the World, also features this rare and beautiful plant. Since 1994, he has lived on BC's Sunshine Coast with his wife, pursuing a lifelong ambition to create the perfect garden. His collection of Asiatic Poppies is the most diverse in North America.
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