Recommended Age, Grade, and Reading Levels
- Age: 8 to 12
- Grade: 3 to 7
Meet Emily Murdoch, who lives with her parents and her two sisters in Victoria, B.C., in 1896. On the other side of Victoria's James Bay Bridge is Chinatown, a world as different from Emily's as can be. Thousands of Chinese immigrants looking for a better life in Canada call it home, including Hing, Emily's family's cook. For Emily, the lure of Chinatown proves to be irresistible. One afternoon, on an adventure with her friends, she gets lost in its teeming streets. Now she is about to learn much more about Hing's life-and something more about her own.
About the author
Julie Lawson is the author of over 30 books for children and young adults. Her critically acclaimed works have received numerous award nominations, including the Children's Book Centre Award for A Blinding Light, the Canadian Library Association Award for White Jade Tiger, and Forest of Reading Awards for Goldstone, Ghosts of the Titanic, A Ribbon of Shining Steel, and many more. Her YA novels include White Jade Tiger (winner of the Sheila A. Egoff BC Children's Fiction Prize), No Safe Harbour (winner of the Hackmattack Children's Choice Award) and A Blinding Light (runner-up for the City Of Victoria Bolen Books Prize).
Julie writes from her home in Victoria, BC.
Other titles by

Out of the Dark

A Blinding Light

White Jade Tiger

Dear Canada: A Ribbon of Shining Steel
The Railway Diary of Kate Cameron, Yale, British Columbia, 1882

A Morning to Polish and Keep

A Morning to Polish and Keep
Audio Enhanced Edition

Midnight in the Mountains
Audio Enhanced Edition

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 7 - Une paix bienvenue

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 5: When War Hits Home