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Social Science Human Geography

Nunavut Atlas

edited by Rick Riewe

The University of Alberta Press, Tungavik Federation of Nunavut
Initial publish date
Jan 1992
Human Geography, Regional Studies, Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island Studies
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Jan 1992

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The Nunavut Atlas resulted from a project that assisted the Inuit in selecting the lands they would retain with the settlement of the Nunavut claim. Each section contains an indexed map of the settlement area, maps illustrating and text describing land use and critical wildlife areas. The Atlas is an invaluable resource for land use planning, and for anyone wishing to better understand the age-old relationship between Inuit and the natural environment.

About the author

Rick Riewe's research interests include human interactions with climate change in the Hudson Bay Region; impacts of northern development upon circumpolar peoples; wildlife ecology; boreal ecology; northern wildlife management; northern native harvesting and utilization of wildlife; northern land claims; environmental impact assessment; and the ecology of prairie grasslandsl; wildlife products utilized by Circumpolar Aboriginal peoples; the roles of aboriginal women in the domestic economy; and the ethnology of Circumpolar Peoples. He received a Ph.D. in Zoology from Memorial University of Newfoundland, and the University of Manitoba.

Rick Riewe's profile page

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