The Nature Guide to Atlantic Canada lets you discover the wonderful diversity of nature that lies right outside your front door. Whether you live in the city or in the country, hundreds of species of plants and animals share your living space. Get to know your neighbours! Covering every square inch of Atlantic's Canada's incredibly varied landscape, this book helps you identify over 400 species of mammals, birds. Amphibians, retiles, invertebrates, fish, trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses and ferns. This latest nature guide for Atlantic Canada is the perfect resource for anyone- teachers, parents, students, children's groups-interested in learning more about nature in their backyard and beyond.
About the authors
GREGORY KENNEDY has been an active naturalist since he was very young. He is the author of many books on natural history, and has also produced film and television shows on environmental issues and indigenous concerns in Southeast Asia, New Guinea, South and Central America, the High Arctic and elsewhere.
Professor-emeritus Ken Brock is an accomplished birding enthusiast. He is author of Birds of the Indiana Dunes, a former regional editor of the national ornithological journal North American Birds, and functions as a birding consultant to government. Brock is the former interim Dean of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University Northwest and a one-time U.S. Navy lieutenant.
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