It's so cold on the prairies that everybody wears balaclavas when they go into a convenience store." "It's so cold on the prairies that politicians keep their hands in their own pockets." If you've ever had your tongue stuck to a chainlink fence this book is for you. If your in-laws have ever come to visit while weather watch systems warn of record-breaking snowfalls-this book is definitely for you. If you're ever freezing to death in a stalled vehicle during a prairie whiteout this book may save your life: it's one of the few books freedom-to-read advocates actually recommend burning in case of emergency. Each page is illustrated with a weather saying, so br-r-r-race yourself for a wickedly wry and witty look at the season we love to hate.
"The perfect stocking stuffer."
-Canadian Book Review Annual
About the author
Ted Stone, author of the highly successful It's Hardly Worth Talking If You're Going To Tell The Truth, has been collecting stories on the Canadian prairies for 25 years. His numerous titles include 100 Years of Cowboy Stories, A Roundup of Cowboy Humor, Alberta History Along The Highway, British Columbia History Along the Highways and Waterways and It's So Cold on the Prairies: Wit and Wisdom About Winter.
Other titles by

The Legend of Pierre Bottineau & the Red River Trail

Legend of Pierre Bottineau and the Red River Trail, The

The Story Behind Manitoba Names
How Cities, Towns, Villages and Whistle Stops got their Names

Hope Springs a Leak

Alberta History Along the Highway

A Roundup of Cowboy Humor

Great Tales of the Gold Rush

The Complete Cowboy Reader
Remembering the Open Range

Riding The Northern Range
Poems from the Last Best-West