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Law General

Implementing the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Development Agenda

edited by Jeremy de Beer

Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Initial publish date
Apr 2009
General, General, Economics
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Apr 2009
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The newly adopted World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Development Agenda presents a real opportunity to revolutionize the international governance of intellectual property law and policy. The litmus test for its success, however, will be if and how the agenda is implemented in practice. This edited collection brings together a series of incisive essays written by leading thinkers from emerging economies, Canada, and elsewhere to develop concrete strategies for implementing the agenda.

The essays cover a range of fundamental issues surrounding the agenda and examine its recommendations from multidisciplinary and multi-regional perspectives. Several essays explore the role of WIPO and its member states in steering the direction of future reform as well as potential approaches to achieve this goal. Other contributions examine specific recommendations on WIPO’s activities within the broader context of development.

This volume will be a useful source of reference for informed but non-expert readers, including government officials and delegates at international and “capital” levels, leaders of the international business community, individuals in inter- and non-governmental organizations, and scholars in the fields of law and international governance.

Co-published with the International Development Research Centre and the Centre for International Governance Innovation

About the author

Jeremy de Beer is a law Professor at the University of Ottawa, working on technological innovation, intellectual property, and international trade and development. Many of his refereed publications on intellectual property issues relating to innovation and creativity appear in top-ranked journals recognized across the disciplines of law, business, communications, and political science. He has authored numerous other papers, studies, and commissioned reports, and published four books, including Access to Knowledge in Africa: The Role of Copyright. Professor de Beer teaches multidisciplinary seminars on intellectual property policy, the digital music business, and sustainable international development, and an introduction to the fundamentals of property law. With academic qualifications including a graduate degree in law from the University of Oxford and undergraduate degrees in business and in law from the University of Saskatchewan, he is also a practicing lawyer and an experienced strategy consultant to technology companies, creator groups, law firms, think tanks, governments, and international organizations. After working at MacLeod Dixon LLP and clerking at the Federal Court of Appeal, he was legal counsel to the Copyright Board. He has appeared as counsel before the Federal Court of Appeal and, most recently, in landmark copyright cases before the Supreme Court of Canada.


Jeremy de Beer's profile page

Editorial Reviews

''An effort to understand where WIPO came from and how it got where it is today ... a crucial understanding and ... probably what is going to make the biggest difference to future attempts to change the organization ... this book is the first full-length publication on the WIPO Development Agenda and is therefore a major contribution. It is particularly interesting because it addresses history and offers a range of ideas on the way forward.... It will be fools who rush in without reading this crucial documentation of the process, and they will certainly fail to make lasting change at WIPO.''

Ideas in Development Blog, July 2009

''Implementing the World Intellectual Property Organization's Development Agenda is indispensable and most timely.... The overall quality of the collection is quite impressive.''

Canadian Foreign Policy, 2011

''If it is to be successful, the Development Agenda will need input not just from national delegates at WIPO or from the Secretariat but also from leading academics and others (civil society). This book is precisely such a contribution.''

Daniel J. Gervais

''The WIPO Development Agenda has emerged as a potential blueprint for global intellectual property law and policy reform. With contributions from leading scholars from around the world, this essential collection represents the next stage in the evolution of the Development Agenda as it grapples with how to advance from conceptual framework to practical implementation.''

Michael Geist

''International organizations and policy work best when they are subject to independent scrutiny. This collection brings together scholars from around the world to evaluate the work of the World Intellectual Property Organization on intellectual property rights and development. Tightly edited, comprehensive, and packed with creative suggestions for how WIPO can make a better contribution to the cause of development, this book should be read by all those interested in the complex connections amongst international governance, intellectual property rights, and development.''

Peter Drahos

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