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Technology & Engineering Reference

Continuity With Change

Planning for the Conservation of Man-Made Heritage

edited by Mark Fram & John Weiler

Dundurn Press
Initial publish date
Jan 1984
Reference, General, General
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Jan 1984
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"[Continuity with Change] seeks to document and demonstrate that middle positions between Change and Continuity are possible and desirable." — Canadian Architect

"[Continuity with Change] is well produced with a large number of good photographs, maps, and drawings … obviously designed for a wide audience of planners and others active in heritage conservation." — The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology

"[Continuity with Change] deserves a spot in the library of any professional who works regularly with older ubildings and their surroundings." — Plan Canada

About the authors

Mark Fram is an architectural consultant, designer and planner. He has written extensively about architecture and the history and planning of buildings and cities. Books by Mark Fram include East/West (co-written with Nancy Byrtus), Well-Preserved and 4Square. He holds professional and graduate degrees from the University of Toronto, where he teaches in the faculty of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

Mark Fram's profile page

John Weiler was chief of Architecture and Planning in the Heritage Branch of the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture. The author of several publications on heritage conservation and planning, John's special love (after his wife, dog, and cat) is industrial archaeology.

John Weiler's profile page

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