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Political Science Civics & Citizenship

Borders and Migration

The Canadian Experience in Comparative Perspective

contributions by Asad G. Kiyani, Birte Wassenberg, Can E. Mutlu, Claude Beaupré, Donald Galloway, Edward Boyle, Franziska Fischer, Naomi Chi, Sabine Lehr, Scott D. Watson, Solomon Wong, Victoria Simmons & Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly

series edited by Geneviève Tellier

edited by Michael J. Carpenter, Melissa Kelly & Oliver Schmidtke

Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press
Initial publish date
Jan 2023
Civics & Citizenship, Human Rights, Immigration
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    Publish Date
    Jan 2023
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    Publish Date
    Jan 2023
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    Publish Date
    Jan 2023
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Depuis 2015, les mouvements transfrontaliers de migrants et de réfugiés ont atteint des niveaux sans précédent. La guerre, la persécution, l’extrême pauvreté et la désertification ont forcé des millions de personnes à fuir leur pays d’Asie centrale, du Levant ou de l’Afrique du Nord. Les pays du Nord ont réagi de manières diverses, certains ouvrant leurs frontières à un nombre historique de réfugiés et de demandeurs d’asile, alors que d’autres ont encore resserré leurs politiques frontalières.
La hausse radicale de l’activité migratoire dans le monde a engendré des débats controversés dans les milieux politiques et universitaires. La gestion de la circulation transfrontalière est l’un des dossiers politiques les plus épineux du xxie siècle, puisqu’il soulève des questions fondamentales liées aux droits de la personne, à la responsabilité des États et à la sécurité. Les articles de recherche sur les frontières et la migration se sont rapidement multipliés pour répondre à l’urgence accrue de la situation, vu le nombre record de personnes déplacées. Pourtant, les études frontalières s’intéressent habituellement peu aux flux migratoires, tandis que les études migratoires ont pour leur part sous-estimé la nature changeante des frontières.
Borders and Migration: The Canadian Experience in Comparative Perspective jette un regard nouveau[MC1] sur l’interrelation entre la migration et la gestion frontalière. En prenant le Canada comme point de départ et en mettant l’accent sur les réfugiés et les migrants irréguliers, cet ouvrage multidisciplinaire explore comment les divers niveaux de gestion ont facilité ou au contraire restreint les flux migratoires transfrontaliers. Il fait la lumièresur la gestion changeante des phénomènes migratoires et des frontières. En établissant des comparaisons entre le Canada et d’autres parties du monde, les auteurs mettent en relief les tendances et les défis de notre temps.
Publié en anglais

About the authors

Asad G. Kiyani's profile page

Birte Wassenberg's profile page

Can E. Mutlu's profile page

Claude Beaupré's profile page

J. Donald C. Galloway, LL.B. (Edinburgh) 1974, LL.M. (Harvard) 1975, is Professor of Law at the University of Victoria. From 1975 to 1991, Professor Galloway taught at Queen's University in Kingston. In 1991, he was awarded the Bora Laskin National Fellowship in Human Rights Research and completed his project on Immigration and the Liberal State at the University of Victoria. He has published several articles on criminal law, tort law, and legal theory in addition to Immigration Law in the Essentials of Canadian Law series. His teaching is now focused on administrative law and jurisprudence.

Donald Galloway's profile page

Edward Boyle's profile page

Franziska Fischer's profile page

Naomi Chi's profile page

Sabine Lehr's profile page

Scott D. Watson's profile page

Solomon Wong's profile page

Victoria Simmons' profile page

Geneviève Tellier is Professor in the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa. Her current research focuses on the role of parliamentary institutions in the budgetary process, the attitude of citizens toward budgetary policies, and the budget decision-making process of federal and provincial governments. She has authored two books, co-edited one, published several scientific papers, and is currently serving as a member of the board of directors of the Canadian Study of Parliament Group.

Geneviève Tellier's profile page

Michael J. Carpenter's profile page

Melissa Kelly was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Borders in Globalization Project at Carleton University. She holds a PhD in Social and Economic Geography from Uppsala University.


Melissa Kelly's profile page

Oliver Schmidtke is a professor in the Departments of Political Science and History and Director of the Centre for Global Studies at the University of Victoria.

Oliver Schmidtke's profile page

Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly is an associate professor and co-director of the Local Government Institute at the University of Victoria.

Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly's profile page

Excerpt: Borders and Migration: The Canadian Experience in Comparative Perspective (contributions by Asad G. Kiyani, Birte Wassenberg, Can E. Mutlu, Claude Beaupré, Donald Galloway, Edward Boyle, Franziska Fischer, Naomi Chi, Sabine Lehr, Scott D. Watson, Solomon Wong, Victoria Simmons & Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly; series edited by Geneviève Tellier; edited by Michael J. Carpenter, Melissa Kelly & Oliver Schmidtke)

“Linking the contributions of two seemingly disparate fields-migration studies and border studies requires a broader understanding of the current border-migration nexus. The nature, role, and purpose of borders have changed significantly in recent years in response to larger structural processes, with profound implications for how migration is managed and understood.”

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