Browse Books in Travel

Houseboat Chronicles
Notes from a Life in Shield Country
Crete On The Half Shell

Discovering the Okanagan
The Ultimate Guide

Portrait of Edmonton & Northern Alberta

The Canada Chronicles
A Four-Year Hitchhiking Odyssey

The Coastal Companion
A Guide to the Inside Passage, Including Puget Sound, BC and Alaska

103 Hikes in Southwestern British Columbia
Revised and Updated Sixth ,Edition

Bella Coola
Life in the Heart of the Coast Mountains

Lost in Moscow

Stand the Sacred Tree

Sand for Snow
A Caribbean-Canadian Chronicle

Exact Fare Only II
Good, Bad and Ugly Trips on Public Transit

Voyage of the Dreamspeaker
Vancouver—Desolation Sound Cruising Highlights

From Reindeer Lake to Eskimo Point

2003-2004 Edition, Updated and Revised

Getting Along in the Big Land

Heritage Houses of Nova Scotia

London Street Names

Barry Lazar's Taste of Montreal

Niagara Flavours
Recipes from Southwest Ontario's Finest Chefs, Second Edition

Toronto: The Unknown City

The Niagara Companion
Explorers, Artists, and Writers at the Falls, from Discovery through the Twentieth Century

Working North
DEW line to Drill Ship

Lost in Mongolia
Rafting the World's Last Unchallenged River