Browse Books in Sports & Recreation

Sport Ethics in Context

Oahu Hikes
The Best Hikes and Walks on the Island

Coaching Knowledges
Understanding the Dynamics of Sport Performance

Vancouver Canucks, The
The Best Players and the Greatest Games

Natural Enemies
Major College Football's Oldest, Fiercest Rivalry-Michigan vs. Notre Dame

Crease-Crashing Hockey Trivia

Hockey's Hottest Defensemen
Their Stories On and Off the Ice

The Triumph and Tragedy of Wrestling’s Rebel

The Triumph and Tragedy of Wrestling's Rebel
Circle of Trust
Reflections on the Essence of Horses and Horsemanship

Crash Test
My Brother's Accident and the Race of Our Lives

Canoe Atlas of the Little North

The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame
The Heels

More Scrambles in the Canadian Rockies

Me Chi and Bruce Lee
Adventures In Martial Arts

Double Blue
An Illustrated History of the Toronto Argonauts

The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame: The Heels
The Heels

A Falconer's Journal from Turkey

Maximum Salmon
Fishing the West Coast from Alaska to California

Capturing the French River
Images Along One of Canada's Most Famous Waterways, 1910-1927

Island Halibut Fisherman

The Lure of Faraway Places
Reflections on Wilderness and Solitude

Paddling the Grand River
A Trip-Planning Guide to Ontario's Historic Grand River