Browse Books in Sociology

The Lived Experience

Mapping Geographies of Violence

Eat Local, Taste Global
How Ethnocultural Food Reaches Our Tables

Fighting for Space
How a Group of Drug Users Transformed One City's Struggle with Addiction

Erving Goffman et le travail social

Real Life Super Heroes

The Authority Trap
Strategic Choices of International NGOs

Security, Legality, and an Ethic of Care in an Emergency Shelter

What a City Is For
Remaking the Politics of Displacement

Darwin's Moving

The Austerity State

Constructing Policy Change
Early Childhood Education and Care in Liberal Welfare States

Paramedics On and Off the Streets
Emergency Medical Services in the Age of Technological Governance

Eating, Reading, and Race

Combating Poverty
Quebec's Pursuit of a Distinctive Welfare State

Responding to Human Trafficking
Dispossession, Colonial Violence, and Resistance among Indigenous and Racialized Women

Reading Sociology
Canadian Perspectives

The Deindustrialized World
Confronting Ruination in Postindustrial Places

Critical Inquiries for Social Justice in Mental Health

Identity and Memory in an Irish Diaspora Neighbourhood

Critical Inquiries for Social Justice in Mental Health

The Meaning Of Wife

Unions and the City
Negotiating Urban Change

Caring for Children
Social Movements and Public Policy in Canada