Browse Books in Ethnic Studies

Sacred Hunt
A Portrait of the Relationship between Seals and Inuit

Aboriginal Policy Research
Health and Well-Being

Emancipation Day
Celebrating Freedom in Canada

Writing British Columbia History, 1784-1958

One of the Family
Metis Culture in Nineteenth-Century Northwestern Saskatchewan

Urbanizing Frontiers
Indigenous Peoples and Settlers in 19th-Century Pacific Rim Cities

Amériques transculturelles - Transcultural Americas

The West and Beyond
New Perspectives on an Imagined Region

Totem Pole, The: An Intercultural History
An Intercultural History

This is an Honour Song
Twenty Years Since the Blockades

Drawing Out Law
A Spirit's Guide

Trail of Story, Traveller’s Path
Reflections on Ethnoecology and Landscape

Race and Well-Being
The Lives, Hopes and Activism of African Canadians

Unresolved Identities
Discourse, Ambivalence, and Urban Immigrant Students

Aboriginal Policy Research
Exploring the Urban Landscape

Seeing Ourselves
Exploring Race, Ethnicity, and Culture

Canada's Indigenous Constitution

When the Other is Me
Native Resistance Discourse, 1850-1990

Northern Frontier, Northern Homeland
The Report of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry

Aboriginal Policy Research
A History of Treaties and Policies

Gendering the African Diaspora
Women, Culture, and Historical Change in the Caribbean and Nigerian Hinterland

Troubling Tricksters
Revisioning Critical Conversations

The Lil'wat World of Charlie Mack

Beyond the Indian Act
Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights