Browse Books in Children's Studies

Haircuts by Children and Other Evidence for a New Social Contract
And Other Evidence for a New Social Contract

The Myth of the Age of Entitlement
Millennials, Austerity, and Hope

Caring for Children
Social Movements and Public Policy in Canada

Eleanor H. Porter's Pollyanna
A Children's Classic at 100

Transforming Child Welfare
Interdisciplinary Practices, Field Education, and Research

Depicting Canada’s Children

One Child Reading
My Auto-Bibliography

Children and Childhood in Classical Athens

Reinvesting in Families
Strengthening Child Welfare Practice for a Brighter Future

Reinvesting in Families
Strengthening Child Welfare Practice for a Brighter Future: Voices from the Prairies

With Children and Youth
Emerging Theories and Practices in Child and Youth Care Work

Creating Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare
Congruence with the Everyday Lives of Children and Parents

Understanding and Addressing Girls’ Aggressive Behaviour Problems
A Focus on Relationships

Child to Soldier
Stories from Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army

Somebody's Daughter
The Hidden Story of America's Prostituted Children and the Battle to Save Them

Father Involvement in Canada
Diversity, Renewal, and Transformation

Fields of Play
An Ethnography of Children's Sports

Shattering the Illusion
Child Sexual Abuse and Canadian Religious Institutions

Reimagining Intervention in Young Lives
Work, Social Assistance, and Marginalization

Shattering the Illusion
Child Sexual Abuse and Canadian Religious Institutions

Awakening the Spirit
Moving Forward in Child Welfare: Voices from the Prairies

People, Politics, and Child Welfare in British Columbia

Fostering Nation?
Canada Confronts Its History of Childhood Disadvantage

Child Welfare
Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice