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Browse Books in Children's Studies

Patterns of Social Functioning in Families with Marital and Parent-Child Problems

by (author) Gerson David

Room to Grow

A Study of Parent-Child Relationships

by (author) Carroll Davis

Living on the Edge

Innovative Research on Leaving Care and Transitions to Adulthood

contributions by Sue Bond, Ingri-Hanne Brænne Bennwik, Jenna Bollinger, Róisín Farragher, Catherine Flynn, Laura García-Alba, Federica Gullo, Petra Göbbels-Koch, John Horn, Berni Kelly, Philip Mendes, Malose Mokgopha, Wendy Mupaku, Anne-Kirstine Mølholt, June Paul, Jade Purtell, Annie Smith, Marcela Losantos Velasco & Jacinta Waugh
edited by Samuel Keller, Inger Oterholm, Veronika Paulsen & Adrian van Breda

Biographical Research and the Meanings of Mothering

Life Choices, Identities and Methods

contributions by Elham Amini, Laetitia Coles, Emma Cooke, Joan Cronin, Rosemary Crosse, Katarzyna Gajek, Jasneek Chawla, Fibian Lukalo, Claudia Malacrida, Michelle Millar, Jana Obrovská & Daniela Reimer
edited by Lyudmila Nurse, Lisa Moran & Kateřina Sidiropulu-Janků

Algorithmic Rights and Protections for Children

edited by Mizuko Ito, Remy Cross, Karthik Dinakar & Candice Odgers

Young People in Out-of-Home Care

Findings from the Ontario Looking After Children Project

contributions by Elisa Romano, Lauren Stenason & Erik Michael
by (author) Robert J. Flynn, Meagan Miller, Tessa Bell, Barbara Greenberg & Cynthia Vincent

Cornelia Hahn Oberlander on Pedagogical Playgrounds

by (author) Cornelia Hahn Oberlander

Containing Childhood

Space and Identity in Children's Literature

edited by Danielle Russell

Trust Kids!

Stories on Youth Autonomy and Confronting Adult Supremacy

by (author) carla bergman & Dani Burlison
foreword by Matt Hern

Small Bites

Biocultural Dimensions of Children's Food and Nutrition

by (author) Tina Moffat

Chekhov's Children

Context and Text in Late Imperial Russia

by (author) Nadya L. Peterson

Young Subjects

Children, State-Building, and Social Reform in the Eighteenth-Century French World

by (author) Julia M. Gossard

Witnessing Girlhood

Toward an Intersectional Tradition of Life Writing

by (author) Leigh Gilmore & Elizabeth Marshall

Screening Youth

Contemporary French and Francophone Cinema

edited by Romain Chareyron & Gilles Viennot

Children's Literature and Imaginative Geography

edited by Aïda Hudson

Patterns of Social Functioning in Families with Marital and Parent-Child Problems

by (author) Gerson David

Room to Grow

A Study of Parent-Child Relationships

by (author) Carroll Davis

Imagining Child Welfare in the Spirit of Reconciliation

by (author) Dorothy Badry, H. Monty Montgomery, Daniel Kikulwe, Marlyn Bennett & Don Fuchs
foreword by Jeannine Carrière

The Challenge of Children's Rights for Canada, 2nd edition

by (author) Katherine Covell, R. Brian Howe & J.C. Blokhuis

The Trans Generation

How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) are Creating a Gender Revolution

by (author) Ann Travers

The Trans Generation

How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) Are Creating a Gender Revolution

by (author) Travers


What It Means to Become a Man

by (author) Rachel Giese

From Flappers to Rappers

The Origins, Evolution, and Demise of Youth Culture

by (author) Marcel Danesi

Haircuts by Children and Other Evidence for a New Social Contract

by (author) Darren O'Donnell

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