Browse Books in Children's Studies

Patterns of Social Functioning in Families with Marital and Parent-Child Problems

Room to Grow
A Study of Parent-Child Relationships

Living on the Edge
Innovative Research on Leaving Care and Transitions to Adulthood

Biographical Research and the Meanings of Mothering
Life Choices, Identities and Methods

Algorithmic Rights and Protections for Children

Young People in Out-of-Home Care
Findings from the Ontario Looking After Children Project

Cornelia Hahn Oberlander on Pedagogical Playgrounds

Containing Childhood
Space and Identity in Children's Literature

Trust Kids!
Stories on Youth Autonomy and Confronting Adult Supremacy

Small Bites
Biocultural Dimensions of Children's Food and Nutrition

Chekhov's Children
Context and Text in Late Imperial Russia

Young Subjects
Children, State-Building, and Social Reform in the Eighteenth-Century French World

Witnessing Girlhood
Toward an Intersectional Tradition of Life Writing

Screening Youth
Contemporary French and Francophone Cinema

Children's Literature and Imaginative Geography

Patterns of Social Functioning in Families with Marital and Parent-Child Problems

Room to Grow
A Study of Parent-Child Relationships

Imagining Child Welfare in the Spirit of Reconciliation

The Challenge of Children's Rights for Canada, 2nd edition

The Trans Generation
How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) are Creating a Gender Revolution

The Trans Generation
How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) Are Creating a Gender Revolution

What It Means to Become a Man

From Flappers to Rappers
The Origins, Evolution, and Demise of Youth Culture