Browse Books in Social Science

Foisted upon the Government?
State Responsibilities, Family Obligations, & Care of the Dependent Aged in Late 19th-Century Ont.

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V7 #2

Born at the Right Time
A History of the Baby Boom Generation

Becoming Modern in Toronto
The Industrial Exhibition and the Shaping of a Late Victorian Culture

Why Are You Telling Me This?
Eleven Acts of Intimate Journalism
So Far
words from learners

Ambiguity, Evil Eye, and the Language of Distress
Hungarian Rhapsodies
Essays on Ethnicity, Identity, and Culture

Making Good
Law and Moral Regulation in Canada, 1867-1939.

Legends of Vancouver

Great Dames

Modernity and Identity in an Inuit Community

Modernity and Identity in an Inuit Community

Aids as an Apocalyptic Metaphor in North America

The Excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti
Volume II: The Small Finds

The Beauty Myth

In Her Own Voice
Childbirth Stories from Mennonite Women

Spirit of Haida Gwaii, The
Bill Reid's Masterpiece

The Way of the Pipe
Aboriginal Spirituality and Symbolic Healing in Canadian Prisons

Development and Disorder
A History of the Third World Since 1945

Reflections on the Margins of Literature

Ten Lost Years, 1929-1939
Memories of the Canadians Who Survived the Depression

Projectile Points of Manitoba

A Time of Reckoning
The Politics of Discourse in Rural Ireland