Browse Books in Social Science

From The Ground Up
An Italian Immigrant’s Story

Social sciences and the environment - Les sciences sociales et l'environnement

Global Crises and The Social Sciences
North American Perspectives

Yamoria the Lawmaker
Stories of the Dene

The Violence Mythos

Blood Read
The Vampire as Metaphor in Contemporary Culture
We Are Not You
First Nations and Canadian Modernity

We Are Not You
First Nations and Canadian Modernity

The Expanding Prison
The Crisis in Crime and Punishment and the Search for Alternatives

The Canadian General Election of 1997

Policing the Risk Society

Challenging the Public/Private Divide
Feminism, Law, and Public Policy

The Politics of the Family

Images of Justice

Undisciplined Women
Tradition and Culture in Canada

Canada in the Global Village

Marriage, Family, and Law in Medieval Europe
Collected Studies
An Introduction to Polimetrics

The Yellow Pear

The Welland Canals and their Communities
Engineering, Industrial, and Urban Transformation
Harm Reduction
A New Direction for Drug Policies and Programs

Harm Reduction
A New Direction for Drug Policies and Programs

Recent Social Trends in Russia 1960-1995

Just Another Car Factory?
Lean Production and Its Discontents