Browse Books in Social Science

Labeling People
French Scholars on Society, Race, and Empire, 1815-1848

Out on the Field
Gender, Sport and Sexualities
A Short History of the Most Misunderstood Plant & Its Uses

Researching Audiences
A Practical Guide to Methods in Media Audience Analysis

What's Mother Got to do with it?
Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse

Justice Behind the Walls
Human Rights in Canadian Prisons

Activism and Social Change
Lessons for Community and Local Organizing

Where I Come From

Essays on the Quality of Life

How Canadians Communicate, Vol. 1
Responding to the Oppression of Addicton
Canadian Social Work Approaches

Risk and Morality

Ghost Stories of the Sea

Insurance as Governance

Quebec Identity
The Challenge of Pluralism

Une mort très digne
L'histoire du Cimetière Mont-Royal

Une mort très digne
L'histoire du Cimetière Mont-Royal

The Girl from God's Country
Nell Shipman and the Silent Cinema

Ghost Stories of the Rocky Mountains
Volume II

When Your Voice Tastes Like Home
Immigrant Women Write

Geography of the Canadian North
Issues and Challenges

Emerging Perspectives on Anti-Oppressive Practice

Comparing Mythologies