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Browse Books in Social Science

Racial Profiling in Canada

Challenging the Myth of ‘a Few Bad Apples'

by (author) Frances Henry & Carol Tator

Discourses of Denial

Mediations of Race, Gender, and Violence

by (author) Yasmin Jiwani

Gramsci's Politics of Language

Engaging the Bakhtin Circle and the Frankfurt School

by (author) Peter Ives

Mountains So Sublime

Nineteenth-Century British Travellers and the Lure of the Rocky Mountain West

by (author) Terry Abraham

Dancing on Live Embers

Challenging Racism in Organizations

by (author) Barb Thomas & Tina Lopes

Ecological Thinking

The Politics of Epistemic Location

by (author) Lorraine Code

Gay Marriage

The Story of a Canadian Social Revolution

by (author) Sylvain Larocque
translated by Louisa Blair & Robert Chodos

Story of Schwartz's Hebrew Delicatessen, The

by (author) Bill Brownstein

Stories From the Six Worlds

by (author) Ruth Holmes Whitehead

Still at the Cottage

Or the Cabin, the Shack, the Lake, the Beach, or Camp

by (author) Charles Gordon

Perfectly Abnormal

Seven Gay Plays

edited by Sky Gilbert

Fertility Goddesses, Groundhog

by (author) Gabriella Kalapos

Journey to the Ice Age

Discovering an Ancient World

by (author) Peter L. Storck

Moral Regulation and Governance in Canada

History, Context, and Critical Issues

edited by Amanda Glasbeek

Lesbian Plays

Coming of Age in Canada

edited by Rosalind Kerr

Artificial Ice

Hockey, Culture, and Commerce

edited by David Whitson & Richard Gruneau

Community Rights and Corporate Responsibility

Canadian Mining and Oil Companies in Latin America

edited by Liisa North, Timothy Clark & Viviana Patroni

Understanding New Media

Augmented Knowledge and Culture

by (author) Kim H. Veltman

Understanding New Media

Augmented Knowledge and Culture

by (author) Kim H. Veltman

Art of the Totem

by (author) David Hancock & Marius Barbeau

Differences That Matter

Social Policy and the Working Poor in the United States and Canada

by (author) Dan Zuberi

No Insignificant Part

The Rhodesia Native Regiment and the East Africa Campaign of the First World War

by (author) Timothy J. Stapleton

Tales of Two Cities

Women and Municipal Restructuring in London and Toronto

by (author) Sylvia Bashevkin

Encyclopedia of Women and Religion in North America, Set

contributions by Rosemary Skinner Keller, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Mary Jo Weaver, Abel Aganbegyan, Ann Braude, H. Byron Earhart, Valarie H. Ziegler, Cynthia Grant Tucker, Debra Campbell, Dilshad Kersey Antia, Dianne Ashton, Margaret L. Bendroth, Carolyn D. Blevins, Barbara Blodgett, Mary C. Boys, Catherine A. Brekus, Anthea Butler, Diane Capitani, Sharon Ann Cook, Sarah Gardener Cunningham, Janine M. Denomme, Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan, Cynthia Eller, Maureen Fielder, Loreta Halteman Finger, Holly Folk, Mary Van Vleck Garman, Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, Rita M. Gross, Cathy Gutierrez, Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, Katharine Henderson, Richard Hollinger, Alison Duncan Hirsch, Sandra Hutchison, Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz, Demetra Velisarios Jaquet, David E. Kaufman, Frances Kissling, Rita Lester, Miriam L. Levering, Susan Hill Lindley, Aminah Beverly McCloud, Jeanne P. McLean, Daisy L. Machado, Ingrid Mattson, Lara Medina, Sara J. Myers, Pamela S. Nadell, Vasudha Narayanan, Lori Pierce, Nancy Pineda-Madrid, Judith Plaskow, Barbara J. Merguerian, Riv-Ellen Prell, Rebecca B. Prichard, Mary L. Putrow, Jeanette Rodriguez, Jean M. Schmidt, Shuly R. Schwartz, Susan Setta, Nikky-Guninder K. Singh, Jane Smith, Kim Stone-Mullin, Ruth M. Tabrah, Lucy Tatman, Emilie M. Townes, Laura Weaver, Judith Weisenfeld, Diane Winston & Barbara Zikmund

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