Browse Books in Social Science

Weaving Relationships
Canada-Guatemala Solidarity

Religion and Culture in Canada

The Female Crucifix
Images of St. Wilgefortis Since the Middle Ages

Native Religious Traditions

Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and Canada

Salighed As Happiness?
Kierkegaard on the Concept Salighed

The Effects of Feminist Approaches on Research Methodologies

The Social Uplifters
Presbyterian Progressives and the Social Gospel in Canada 1875-1915

Gender, Genre and Religion
Feminist Reflections

Biological Sciences at the National Research Council of Canada
The Early Years to 1952

Thinking the Unthinkable
Civilization and Rapid Climate Change

The Retrospective Review (1820-1828) and the Revival of Seventeenth Century Poetry

The Welfare State in Canada
A Selected Bibliography, 1840 to 1978

Religion and Ethnicity

Clothed in Integrity
Weaving Just Cultural Relations and the Garment Industry

Love and the Soul
Psychological Interpretations of the Eros and Psyche Myth

Religious Dimensions of Child and Family Life
Reflections on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Gender Bias in Scholarship
The Pervasive Prejudice

Niagara Companion, The
Explorers, Artists, and Writers at the Falls, from Discovery through the Twentieth Century

A Propensity to Protect
Butter, Margarine and the Rise of Urban Culture in Canada

Unity in Diversity

Children in English-Canadian Society
Framing the Twentieth-Century Consensus

Archaeology of the Rivas Region, Nicaragua

Rupert’s Land
A Cultural Tapestry