Browse Books in Social Science

Born Liars
Why We Can't Live Without Deceit

Ecologies of Affect
Placing Nostalgia, Desire, and Hope

Interviews on Inuit Family Values

Arab-American Women's Writing and Performance
Orientalism, Race and the Idea of the Arabian Nights

Broke but Unbroken
Grassroots Social Movements and Their Radical Solutions to Poverty

A Concise Introduction to Mental Health in Canada

Naturally Woman
The Search for Self in Black Canadian Women's Literature

Entertaining Crisis in the Atlantic Imperium, 1770-1790

Enjeux interculturels des médias
Altérités, transferts et violences

Angelic Scintillations

Among The Truthers
A Journey into the Growing Conspiracist Underground of 9/11 Truthers, Birthers, Armageddonites, Vaccine Hysterics, Hollywood Know-Nothings and Internet Addicts

Oral History on Trial
Recognizing Aboriginal Narratives in the Courts

Strange Creatures and Fantastic Beings From Inuit Myths and Legends, Second Edition

Supporting Refugee Children
Strategies for Educators

Transforming Law's Family
The Legal Recognition of Planned Lesbian Motherhood

At the Interface of Culture and Medicine

The Authenticity Hoax
How We Get Lost Finding Ourselves

Among The Truthers
North America's Growing Conspiracist Underground

Generation NGO

World Without Walls
Being Human, Being Tamil

Through Feminist Eyes
Essays on Canadian Women’s History

Orality and Literacy
Reflections across Disciplines

Orality and Literacy
Reflections across Disciplines

Serbian Dreambook
National Imaginary in the Time of Miloševi