Browse Books in Social Science

He Moved A Mountain
The Life of Frank Calder and the Nisga’a Land Claims Accord

He Moved A Mountain
The Life of Frank Calder and the Nisga'a Land Claims Accord

Network Analysis in Archaeology
New Approaches to Regional Interaction

The Perils of Pedagogy
The Works of John Greyson

Black Loyalists
Southern Settlers of Nova Scotia's First Free Black Communities

101 Social Work Clinical Techniques

The Sense of Space

Power from the North
Territory, Identity, and the Culture of Hydroelectricity in Quebec

Out Spoken
Perspectives on Queer Identities

Sacred Feathers
The Reverend Peter Jones (Kahkewaquonaby) and the Mississauga Indians, Second Edition

Reconciling Canada
Critical Perspectives on the Culture of Redress

Honour On Trial
The Shafia Murders and the Culture of Honour Killings

Gender and Women's Studies in Canada
Critical Terrain

Provincial Solidarities
A History of the New Brunswick Federation of Labour

Solidarités provinciales
Histoire de la Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Nouveau-Brunswick

Irish and Scottish Encounters with Indigenous Peoples
Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia

The Wages of Relief
Cities and the Unemployed in Prairie Canada, 1929–39

The Lucky Ones
African Refugees' Stories of Extraordinary Courage

Starting Points / Making Sense in the Social Sciences Pack
A Sociological Journey

Structurring Identities in Contemporary

Photography, Memory, and Refugee Identity
The Voyage of the SS Walnut, 1948

Dispersed but Not Destroyed
A History of the Seventeenth-Century Wendat People

Indigenous in the City
Contemporary Identities and Cultural Innovation

The Tragic Failure of Canada's Aboriginal Policy