Browse Books in Social Science

Being in Being
The Collected Works of a Master Haida Mythteller

Nine Visits to the Mythworld
Told by Ghandl of the Qayahl Llaanas

Plundering the North
A History of Settler Colonialism, Corporate Welfare, and Food Insecurity

Girls, Interrupted
How Pop Culture is Failing Women

Girls, Interrupted: How Pop Culture is Failing Women

Canada as a Settler Colony on the Question of Palestine

The Edwin Fox
How an Ordinary Sailing Ship Connected the World in the Age of Globalization, 1850-1914

The Quantum Revolution
Art, Technology, Culture

Cases in Clinical Forensic Psychology

Crisis and Contagion
Conversations on Capitalism and Covid-19

Jewish Stories Translated from 18 Languages

Borders, Human Itineraries, and All Our Relation

New World Dreams
Canadian Pacific Railway and the Golden Northwest

Echo Loba, Loba Echo
Of Wisdom, Wolves and Women

Consent, Kink, and Pleasure

The Art of Mi'kmaw Basketry

Finding American
Stories of Immigration from All 50 States

Her Space, Her Time
How Trailblazing Women Scientists Decoded the Hidden Universe

The Notorious Georges
Crime and Community in British Columbia's Northern Interior, 1905–25

Meeting My Treaty Kin
A Journey toward Reconciliation

Hide and Seek: In Pursuit of Justice

The Days of Augusta

Beyond the Binary: Thinking about Sex and Gender - Second Edition

Transformative Politics of Nature
Overcoming Barriers to Conservation in Canada