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Browse Books in Social Science

Interpreting the Body

Between Meaning and Matter

contributions by Ben Spatz, Kathryn Linn Geurts, Sefakore Komabu-Pomeyie, Sweta Rajan-Rankin, Mrinalini Greedharry, Lee Monaghan, Piper Sledge, Erin Johnston, Brittney Miles, Chandra Russo & Annemarie Jutel
edited by Anne Marie Champagne & Asia Friedman

Anders als die Andern

by (author) Ervin Malakaj

Playing the Supporting Role

Strip Club Managers and Other Third Parties

by (author) Tuulia Law

The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Disability

edited by Robyn Lewis Brown, Michelle Maroto & David Pettinicchio

Stolen Family

Captive in Saudi Arabia

by (author) Johanne Durocher
with Julie Roy
translated by J.C. Sutcliffe

Doing Things the Right Way

Dene Traditional Justice in Lac La Martre, NWT

by (author) Joan Ryan

Assessment and Communication of Risk

A Pocket Text for Health and Safety Professionals

by (author) Eric Liberda & Timothy Sly

Essential Work, Disposable Workers

Migration, Capitalism and Class

by (author) Mostafa Henaway
foreword by Harsha Walia

Social Work’s Histories of Complicity and Resistance

A Tale of Two Professions

contributions by Rich Moth, Filipe Duarte, Patrick Selmi, Carolyn Noble, Alan Dettlaff, Victoria Copeland, Caroline McGregor, Michael Lavalette, Nicos Trimikliniotis, Vassilis Tsianos, Melisa Campana-Alabarce, Gianinna Muñoz-Arce, María Martínez Herrero, Linda Harms-Smith, Yasmin Turton, Carola Kuhlmann, Caroline Bald, Akudo Amadiegwu, Pedro Silva, Alcina Martins, Bob Pease, Guy Shennan & Claire McGettrick
edited by Vasilios Ioakimidis & Aaron Wyllie

The Oxford Handbook of Indigenous Sociology

edited by Maggie Walter, Tahu Kukutai, Angela Gonzales & Robert Henry

Between War and the State

Civil Society in South Vietnam, 1954-1975

by (author) Van Nguyen-Marshall

Climate Justice and Participatory Research

Building Climate-Resilient Commons

edited by Patricia E. Perkins

As Long As This Land Shall Last

A History of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, 1870-1939

by (author) René Fumoleau
epilogue by Joanne Barnaby

Alliance and Conflict

The World System of the Iñupiaq Eskimos

by (author) Ernest S. Burch

Zygmunt Bauman and the West

A Sociology of Intellectual Exile

by (author) Jack Palmer

Forensic Colonialism

Genetics and the Capture of Indigenous Peoples

by (author) Mark Munsterhjelm

The Deepest Map

The High-Stakes Race to Chart the World's Oceans

by (author) Laura Trethewey

Thug Criminology

A Call to Action

edited by Adam Ellis, Olga Marques & Anthony Gunter

Implementing Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care

A Handbook

edited by C. Nadine Wathen & Colleen Varcoe

The Legal Singularity

How Artificial Intelligence Can Make Law Radically Better

by (author) Abdi Aidid & Benjamin Alarie

Scottish Highlands and the Atlantic World

Social Networks and Identities

edited by S. Karly Kehoe, Chris Dalglish & Annie Tindley

Algorithmic Rights and Protections for Children

edited by Mizuko Ito, Remy Cross, Karthik Dinakar & Candice Odgers

Interpretive Sociology and the Semiotic Imagination

contributions by J.I. Bakker, Wayne Brekhus, Todd Madigan, Paul McLean, Rein Raud, Eunkyung Song & Elizabeth Wissinger
edited by Andrea Cossu & Jorge Fontdevila

Matria Redux

Caribbean Women Novelize the Past

by (author) Tegan Zimmerman

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