Browse Books in Social Science
Funding Policies and the Nonprofit Sector in Western Canada
Evolving Relationships in a Changing Environment

Indigenous Bodies, Maya Minds
Religion and Modernity in a Transnational K'iche' Community

Just Ordinary Citizens?
Towards a Comparative Portrait of the Political Immigrant

Ancestral Lines
The Maisin of Papua New Guinea and the Fate of the Rainforest, Second Edition

The Heart of Helambu
Ethnography and Entanglement in Nepal

Settler Anxiety at the Outposts of Empire
Colonial Relations, Humanitarian Discourses, and the Imperial Press

You Only Live Twice
Sex, Death and Transition

Manufacturing Phobias
The Political Production of Fear in Theory and Practice

Projections of Passing
Postwar Anxieties and Hollywood Films, 1947-1960

More Harm Than Good
Drug Policy in Canada

Brought to Light
Contemporary Freemasonry, Meaning, and Society

Substance Use and Abuse, Second Edition
Everything Matters

A Recognition of Being, Second Edition
Reconstructing Native Womanhood

Women and Genocide
Gendered Experiences of Violence, Survival, and Resistance

Mixed Blessings
Indigenous Encounters with Christianity in Canada

Doctors beyond Borders
The Transnational Migration of Physicians in the Twentieth Century

Canada and the Third World
Overlapping Histories

Ukrainian Canadians Writing Home

Postcolonial Counterpoint
Orientalism, France, and the Maghreb

Community Nutrition for Developing Countries

One Child Reading
My Auto-Bibliography

How Canadians Communicate VI
Food Promotion, Consumption, and Controversy

Family Therapy as Socially Transformative Practice
Practical Strategies

Missing the Mark?
Women and the Millennium Development Goals in Africa and Oceania