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Browse Books in Social Science

Unsettled Expectations

Uncertainty, Land and Settler Decolonization

by (author) Eva Mackey

Paying for Masculinity

Boys, Men and the Patriarchal Dividend

by (author) Murray Knuttila

Tell Everyone

Why We Share and Why It Matters

by (author) Alfred Hermida

Making Feminist Media

Third-Wave Magazines on the Cusp of the Digital Age

by (author) Elizabeth Groeneveld

Shari'a Law and Modern Muslim Ethics

edited by Robert W. Hefner
contributions by Anver Emon, Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Zakia Salime, Malika Zeghal, Clark Lombardi, Connie J. Cannon, Ahmet T. Kuru, Muhammad Qasim Zaman, Dorothea E. Schulz & Michael G. Peletz

The Promise of Sociology

Classical Approaches to Contemporary Society, Second Edition

by (author) Rob Beamish


Female-to-Male Transsexuals in Society

by (author) Aaron Devor & Aidan Key
foreword by Jamison Green

Angels on Earth

Mothering, Religion, and Spirituality

edited by Vanessa Reimer

Redesigning Work

A Blueprint for Canada's Future Well-being and Prosperity

by (author) Graham Lowe & Frank Graves

Price Paid

The Fight for First Nations Survival

by (author) Bev Sellars

Unfree Labour?

Struggles of Migrant and Immigrant Workers in Canada

edited by Aziz Choudry & Adrian A. Smith

Sweat Equity

Cooperative House-Building in Newfoundland, 1920-1974

by (author) C.A. Sharpe & A.J. Shawyer

Le Québec et ses mutations culturelles

Six enjeux pour le devenir d’une société

edited by E. -Martin Meunier

From Bombs to Books

The remarkable stories of refugee children and their families at two exceptional Canadian schools

by (author) David Starr

Hunting Caribou in the Fall (Inuktitut)

edited by William Flaherty

Hunting Seal in the Summer (Inuktitut)

edited by William Flaherty

Finding Home in the Promised Land

A Personal History of Homelessness and Social Exile

by (author) Jane Harris

In My Humble Opinion

My So-Called Life

by (author) Soraya Roberts

Social Inequality in Canada

Dimensions of Disadvantage

by (author) Edward Grabb, Jeffrey G. Reitz & Monica Hwang

Mind = Blown

Amazing Facts About This Weird, Hilarious, Insane World

by (author) Matthew Santoro


How the First Gay Superstar Changed WWE

by (author) Pat Patterson
foreword by Vincent K. McMahon
with Bertrand Hébert

Placing Names

Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers

edited by Merrick Lex Berman, Humphrey Southall & Ruth Mostern
preface by Peter Bol
contributions by Michael Frank Goodchild, Helen Kerfoot, Ryan Shaw, Raj Singh, Karl Grossner, Krzysztof Janowicz, Carsten Kessler, Rainer Simon, Leif Isaksen, Elton Barker, Pau de Soto Canamares, Johan Ahlfeldt, Marc Wick, Janelle Jenstad, Paul S. Ell, Lorna Hughes, Michael R. Fournier, Youcheol Kim, Byungnam Yoon, Jonghyuk Kim, Hyunjong Kim, Mark Henderson, Karl E. Ryavec, Tsunetoshi Mizoguchi, Pi-ling Pai & I-chun Fan

Atlantic Canada's Irish Immigrants

A Fish and Timber Story

by (author) Lucille H. Campey

The Letter and the Cosmos

How the Alphabet Has Shaped the Western View of the World

by (author) Laurence de Looze

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