Browse Books in Social Science

Social Work Ethics
Progressive, Practical, and Relational Approaches

Farm Labor Struggles in Zimbabwe
The Ground of Politics

Remembering the Body
Ethical Issues in Body Mapping Research

Planning Canadian Regions, Second Edition

We Still Demand!
Redefining Resistance in Sex and Gender Struggles

Interrogating Motherhood

Not Fit to Stay
Public Health Panics and South Asian Exclusion

Primo Levi and the Identity of a Survivor

K9 Drug Detection
A Manual for Training and Operations

Neither in Dark Speeches nor in Similitudes
Reflections and Refractions Between Canadian and American Jews

Re-Orienting China
Travel Writing and Cross-Cultural Understanding

Sociology of Home
Belonging, Community, and Place in the Canadian Context

Health Policy in Canada, Second Edition

Geriatric Psychiatry Review and Exam Preparation Guide
A Case-Based Approach

Contesting Elder Abuse and Neglect
Ageism, Risk, and the Rhetoric of Rights in the Mistreatment of Older People

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V25 # 2

From the Iron House
Imprisonment in First Nations Writing

Screening Justice
Canadian Crime Films, Culture and Society

Violence as a Generative Force
Identity, Nationalism, and Memory in a Balkan Community

Southern Mercy
Empire and American Civilization in Juvenile Reform, 1890-1944

Fritz Bennewitz in India
Intercultural Theatre with Brecht and Shakespeare

Religion, Secularism, and Ethnicity in Contemporary Nepal

Toronto’s Poor
A Rebellious History