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Francophonies d'Amérique 40-41

Les Pays d’en haut : lieux, cultures, imaginaires

introduction by Nicole St-Onge & Yves Frenette
by (author) Laurence Arrighi, François Ouellet, Marcel Bénéteau, Charles Doutrelepont, Rachelle Gauthier, Anne Gilbert, Hans-Jurgen Greif, Gilles Havard, Yves Labrèche, Émilie LaFlèche, Dominique Laporte, Isabelle LeBlanc, Bauvarie Mounga, Nicolas Nicaise, Patrick Noel, Martin Normand, Jean-Pierre Pichette, Émilie Pigeon, Étienne Rivard, Jimmy Thibeault & Tangi Villerbu
edited by Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française

Federalism and Decentralization in Health Care

A Decision Space Approach

edited by Gregory Marchildon & Thomas J. Bossert

Why Indigenous Literatures Matter

by (author) Daniel Heath Justice

Cultural Anthropology

A Perspective on the Human Condition, Fourth Canadian Edition

by (author) Emily Schultz, Robert Lavenda & Roberta Robin Dods

Mad Blood Stirring

The Inner Lives of Violent Men

by (author) Daemon Fairless


A Wry and Closely Observed Look at the Lives of Women and Girls

by (author) Elizabeth Renzetti

Women Who Dig

Farming, Feminism and the Fight to Feed the World

by (author) Trina Moyles
photographs by K.J. Dakin

Splendour, Misery, and Possibilities

An X-Ray of Socialist Yugoslavia

by (author) Darko Suvin

Otter’s Journey through Indigenous Language and Law

by (author) Lindsay Keegitah Borrows

Rough Work

Labourers on the Public Works of British North America and Canada, 1841-1882

by (author) Ruth Bleasdale

Those Born at Koona

the totem poles of the Haida village Skedans, Haida Gwaii

by (author) Carolyn Smyly & John Smyly

Motherhood in Precarious Times

edited by Anita Dolman, Barbara Schwartz-Bechet & Dannielle Joy Davis

Who Controls the Hunt?

First Nations, Treaty Rights, and Wildlife Conservation in Ontario, 1783-1939

by (author) David Calverley

A House of One's Own

The Moral Economy of Post-Disaster Aid in El Salvador

by (author) Alicia Sliwinski

Change a Life, Change your Own

Child Sponsorship, the Discourse of Development, and the Production of Ethical Subjects

by (author) Peter Ove

From The Inside Looking Out, 2nd Edition

Competing Ideas About Growing Old.

by (author) Jeanette A. Auger, Diane Tedford-Litle & Brenda Wallace-Allen

Getting a Life

The Social Worlds of Geek Culture

by (author) Benjamin Woo

Toward Equity and Inclusion in Canadian Cities

Lessons from Critical Praxis-Oriented Research

edited by Fran Klodawsky, Janet Siltanen & Caroline Andrew

Policy Learning from Canada

Reforming Scandinavian Immigration and Integration Policies

by (author) Trygve Ugland

Legalizing Drugs

The key to ending the war

by (author) Steve Rolles

Rough Work

Labourers on the Public Works of British North America and Canada, 1841-1882

by (author) Ruth Bleasdale

Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens

A History of Native-Newcomer Relations in Canada, Fourth Edition

by (author) J.R. Miller

NoNonsense Feminism

Why the World Still Needs the F-word

by (author) Nikki van der Gaag

The Creator’s Game

Lacrosse, Identity, and Indigenous Nationhood

by (author) Allan Downey

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