Browse Books in Social Science

Signs of the Time
Nłeʔkepmx Resistance through Rock Art

The Pain Mothers Must Never Expose
Confronting the Silences of Maternal Life

From Havana to Hollywood
Slave Resistance in the Cinematic Imaginary

"Revolution in Poetic Language" Fifty Years Later
New Directions in Kristeva Studies

Detachable Penis
A Queer Legal Saga

The Clouded Leopard
Travels to Landscapes of Spirit and Desire

Because This Land is Who We Are
Indigenous Practices of Environmental Repossession

Climate Change, Colonialism and Life Before the Fire

Redbone Coonhound

Contradictions of Capitalist Society and Culture
Dialectics of Love and Lying

From Gum Wrappers to Richie Rich
The Materiality of Cheap Comics

Flannery at the Grammys

Ecologies in Practice
Environmentally Engaged Arts in Canada

Challenging White Supremacy and Anti-Indigenous Racism in Academia

The Politics of Refugee Policy in the Global South

Making Men in the Age of Sail
Masculinity, Memoir, and the British Merchant Seafarer, 1860–1914

Gender and the Global Land Grab
A Feminist Global Governance Approach

Abolish Social Work (As We Know It)

European Racism: A History in Documents
(From the Broadview Sources Series)

Covenantal Thinking
Essays on the Philosophy and Theology of David Novak

Birth on the Land
Memories of Inuit Elders and Traditional Midwives

Hunting Seal in the Summer

Hunting Caribou in the Fall

Constructing Health
How the Built Environment Enhances Your Mind's Health