Browse Books in Social Science

The Lost Supper
Searching for the Future of Food in the Tastes of the Past

Mad Scholars
Reclaiming and Reimagining the Neurodiverse Academy

The Science of Human Possibilities

The Social Safety Net
Canada in Decline Book One

Bibliography of New Brunswick Archaeology
Works to 2022

Fierce, Fabulous, and Fluid
How Trans High School Students Work at Gender Nonconformity

First Nations 101
Tons of Stuff You Need to Know (2nd edition)
The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Diet

Special Topics in Being a Parent
A Queer and Tender Guide to Things I've Learned About Parenting, Mostly the Hard Way

Syrian-Kurdish Intersections in the Ottoman Period

Modern Art and the Idea of the Mediterranean

Animation Nation
How We Built A Cartoon Empire

The Quiet Damage
QAnon and the Destruction of the American Family

The Metaverse
Fully Revised and Updated Edition: Building the Spatial Internet

Ruin Their Crops on the Ground
The Politics of Food in the United States, from the Trail of Tears to School Lunch

Friendless or Forsaken?
Child Emigration from Britain to Canada, 1860–1935

A Dictionary of Kanien'kéha (Mohawk) with Connections to the Past

Aesthetics of Repair
Indigenous Art and the Form of Reconciliation

Big Crime and Big Policing
All about Big Money?

Canadian Criminal Law in Ten Cases

Milk Into Cheese
The Foundations of Natural Cheesemaking Using Traditional Concepts, Tools, and Techniques

Voices for the Islands
Thirty Years of Nature Conservation on the Salish Sea

Sex Work in Popular Culture

Unrecognized in California
Federal Acknowledgment and the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians