Browse Books in Philosophy

God Is
My Search for Faith in a Secular World

A Second Collection
Volume 13
A Second Collection
Volume 13

A Secular Age

Empire Erotics and Messianic Economies of Desire

Rethinking the Messianic Idea in Judaism

At the Limits of the Secular
Reflections on Faith and Public Life

Pascal the Philosopher
An Introduction

Women and the Gift
Beyond the Given and All-Giving

Pascal the Philosopher
An Introduction

Early Works on Theological Method 3
Volume 24

Contesting the Moral High Ground
Popular Moralists in Mid-Twentieth-Century Britain

The Kyoto School
An Introduction

Migrating Texts and Traditions

Prolegomena to a Philosophy of Religion

The Trinity in History
A Theology of the Divine Missions, Volume 1: Missions and Processions

The Triumph of Mercy
Philosophy and Scripture in Mull” “adr”


Early Latin Theology
Volume 19

First Philosophy: God, Mind, and Freedom, second edition
Fundamental Problems and Readings in Philosophy

God, Justice, Love, Beauty
Four Little Dialogues

Hitchens vs. Blair
Be It Resolved Religion Is a Force for Good in the World

Suffer the Children Unto Me
An Open Inquiry into the Clerical Sex Abuse Scandal

Martin Heidegger’s Philosophy of Religion
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