Browse Books in Philosophy

Covenantal Thinking
Essays on the Philosophy and Theology of David Novak

Toward a Philosophy of Religious Studies
Enecstatic Explorations

The Dervishes of the North
Rumi, Whirling, and the Making of Sufism in Canada

Martin Buber
Creaturely Life and Social Form

Alasdair MacIntyre
An Intellectual Biography

The Human Paradox
Rediscovering the Nature of the Human

Emil Fackenheim's Post-Holocaust Thought and Its Philosophical Sources

Persons and Other Things
Exploring the Philosophy of the Hebrew Bible

Nothing Absolute
German Idealism and the Question of Political Theology

Christian Intellectuals and the Roman Empire
From Justin Martyr to Origen

Athens and Jerusalem
God, Humans, and Nature

Archival Material
Early Papers on History, Volume 25

And in Our Hearts Take Up Thy Rest
The Trinitarian Pneumatology of Frederick Crowe, SJ

The Broadview Introduction to Philosophy Volume I: Knowledge and Reality
A Humane Society

"I AM"
Monotheism and the Philosophy of the Bible

Mind and Body in Early China
Beyond Orientalism and the Myth of Holism

Secular Nations under New Gods
Christianity's Subversion by Technology and Politics

The Redemption
Volume 9

Bernard Lonergan
The Redemption, Volume 9

The Human Spirit
Beginnings from Genesis to Science

Method in Theology
Volume 14

Negative Theology as Jewish Modernity

A Third Collection
Volume 16