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Ockham's Nominalism
A Philosophical Introduction
Honouring the Declaration
Church Commitments to Reconciliation and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Voir la Terre autrement (numérique ePub)
Pistes pour une spiritualité écologique
Voir la Terre autrement (numérique PDF)
Pistes pour une spiritualité écologique
Marcher, parler, écouter (numérique ePub)
L'exercice pèlerin
Marcher, parler, écouter (numérique PDF)
L'exercice pèlerin
Témoin d’une Église de printemps (numérique ePub)
Itinéraire spirituel et pastoral de Paul-Émile Charbonneau
Témoin d’une Église de printemps (numérique PDF)
Itinéraire spirituel et pastoral de Paul-Émile Charbonneau
Decolonizing Discipline
Children, Corporal Punishment, Christian Theologies, and Reconciliation
From Seminary to University
An Institutional History of the Study of Religion in Canada
The Theology of The United Church of Canada
Antoine de Chandieu
The Silver Horn of Geneva's Reformed Triumvirate
The Challenge is in the Naming
A Theological Journey
From Logos to Christos
Essays on Christology in Honour of Joanne McWilliam
Developing the Lonergan Legacy
Historical, Theoretical, and Existential Issues
Paul Tillich and Pentecostal Theology
Spiritual Presence and Spiritual Power
Preaching The Big Questions
Doctrine Isn't Dusty
The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 2204 to 2356 Volume 16
Law, Freedom and Story
The Role of Narrative in Therapy, Society and Faith
Horizons in Hermeneutics
A Festschrift in Honor of Anthony C. Thiselton
Discovering Trinity in Disability
A Theology for Embracing Difference
The Trinity in History
A Theology of the Divine Missions, Volume 1: Missions and Processions
Theology of the Body for Every Body
Work Matters
Lessons from Scripture