Browse Books in World

Canadian Multimodal Transport Policy and Governance

Making and Remaking the Balkans
Nations and States since 1878

Unconventional Candour
The Life and Times of George Smitherman
The Office of Lieutenant-Governor
A Study in Canadian Government and Politics

Doing Politics Differently?
Women Premiers in Canada’s Provinces and Territories
Toronto During the French Regime
A History of the Toronto Region From Brule to Simcoe, 1615-1793

Poverty in Canada and the United States
Overview and Annotated Bibliography
The Emergence of the Federal Concept in Canada 1839-1845
The Union Nationale
Quebec Nationalism from Duplessis to Levesque

Canada is Not Back
How Justin Trudeau is in over his head on foreign policy

Canadian Culture in a Globalized World
The impact of trade deals on Canada's cultural life

Dealing with Peace
The Guatemalan Campesino Movement and the Post-Conflict Neoliberal State

Soldiers of the International
A History of the Communist Party of Canada, 1919-1929

English Character and the English Literary Tradition

State Intervention and Assistance in Collective Bargaining
The Canadian Experience, 1943-1954
The Government of Prince Edward Island
Papers on the 1962 Election
Fifteen Papers on the Canadian General Election of 1962

Communism National and International
Eastern Europe after Stalin

Policy Transformation in Canada
Is the Past Prologue?

The French Shore Problem in Newfoundland
An Imperial Study

The Tangled Garden
A Canadian Cultural Manifesto for the Digital Age

Canada's Odyssey
A Country Based on Incomplete Conquests

Media and Mass Atrocity
The Rwanda Genocide and Beyond

Making and Remaking Balkans
Nations and States since 1878